Saturday, April 3, 2010

growling belly...

finally, the much awaited celeb-n8 or "jashnn" as it was named. a polite smatter of applause for our film and music society for managing to get the show on the road and pull it through without any mishaps. comparing it with what i have heard had happened last year when javed sum1-stol-my-balls ali had come, u cud actually say "good" and not have it sound like an overstatement. a brief account of the night- pritam tarried, pritam croaked, pritam left. err.. no thats not it. to be honest, it was a pretty decent way to spend an evening. and since i got to spend it with the person i already spend all my evenings with and love it, i am not complaining. pritam's entourage was good. his songs (i hate to use the word "his") wer good too. the evening, to be honest, did not give me everythng that i wanted from it, but it still ended up adding yet another cute li'l snap to this beautiful collage i am building. and ya, it made me miss my dinner. i hate celeb-n8's